Back to school resources for children who stutter and their parents

August 26, 2014
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It's that time of year again! We know the beginning of the school year presents unique challenges for children who stutter as well as their parents. Here are several resources to help you with the transition back to school.

Stuttering Foundation Website

The Stuttering Foundation offers a variety of back to school resources on their website. We specifically like the 8 tips for teachers flyer and the Notes to the Teacher brochure, but all of their resources are fantastic.


The National Stuttering Association recently sent out a back to school email newsletter that we found very helpful, and they have a section for educators on their website. We specifically like the classroom suggestions for teachers and the information on minimizing bullying.


Nina Reeves and Scott Yaruss have teamed up and created Stuttering Therapy Resources. On their website, in addition to their booklets and texts, they offer several helpful pdf resources. Recently they added a back to school survival guide.

Friends Who Stutter

FRIENDS: The National Association of Young People who Stutter has several helpful resources for kids, parents, teachers, and SLPs on their website. We think you'll like the Dear Teacher sample letter (more letters here) that a child can give to his/her teacher to talk about stuttering. There's a lot of good resources on this site. Take some time and look around!

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Of course, here at the American Institute for Stuttering, we've also provided information through this blog. In 2009 we published a two part series of suggestions for children who stutter and their parents, titled, Starting the school year on the right foot: part 1 and part 2. Shortly after, we published a post titled, Back to school: Would you tell your class that you stutter?In addition, Jacquelyn, an AIS alumni, has recently started publishing regular videos about stuttering on her TheeStuttergirl Youtube Channel. She and another AIS alum, Roisin, teamed up in this back to school themed episode. You might remember Jacquelyn and Roisin from previous AIS Blog posts.

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