6 Great Books about Stuttering, for Kids

February 25, 2019
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We love using storybooks as a way to explore children’s thoughts and feelings about stuttering. Not only are storybooks wonderful for developing language and literacy skills, but they also help children connect to their own experiences and serve as a natural way to facilitate sharing. Here are a few of our favorite books about stuttering for kids.

Ben Has Something to Say

AIS Blog - Books for kids who stutter - Ben Has Something to Say

Written By: Laurie Lears

Illustrated by: Karen Ritz

Why we love it:

This inspiring story follows Ben, who is hesitant to speak because he stutters. When Ben finally summons the courage to speak up, he discovers that what he has to say is more important than how he says it. Ben Has Something to Say also includes helpful information and resources for parents and teachers of children who stutter. Share this book with school-aged children for a meaningful reading experience.

Check it out at your local library or buy it on Amazon.

Steggie's Stutter

Books for kids who stutter, Steggie's Stutter - AIS Blog - Stuttering Therapy Atlanta New York Online

Written & Illustrated by: Jack Hughes

Why we love it:

Children who stutter are likely to encounter people who interrupt them rather than allowing them to finish what they are saying. In this book, Steggie the dinosaur's friends learn the value of letting their friend finish her sentences. Young readers will easily connect to the straightforward story and enjoy this book's delightful illustrations.

Find it at your local library or order on Amazon.

Wendi's Magical Voice

AIS Blog - Books about stuttering, for kids

Written & Illustrated by: Brit Kohls

Why we love it:

Many children feel nervous on the first day of school, and Wendi the witch is not exception. Wendi avoids speaking at Magic School, until she befriends Peter the Troll, who encourages her to use her magical abilities despite her stuttering. This book celebrates the differences that make each child unique. Children will love the enchanting characters and charming illustrations.

Order from The Stuttering Foundation.

Stuttering Stan Takes a Stand

AIS Blog - Books for Kids who stutter, Stuttering Stan

Written by: Artie Knapp

Illustrations by: Barbara Gibson

Why we love it:

In this book, we follow Stan the squirrel as he faces bullies who tease him and his stuttering. Stan is afraid to confront his bullies until he makes a new friend who helps him to understand that he is not the only one with insecurities. When Stan finally stands up for himself, this new understanding allows him to choose kindness and bring all of his peers together. This engaging story encourages children to work towards effective problem solving when dealing with bullying and teasing.

Check it out at your local library, order on Amazon, or use Kindle Unlimited.

When Oliver Speaks!

Books about stuttering, for kids - AIS Blog stutteringtreatment.org

Written by: Kimberly Garvin & Saadiq Wicks

Why we love it:

Thanks to some of our friends on social media, we re-published this list with the addition of this book. When Oliver Speaks! is an inspiring story of a boy with many talents and interests who also happens to stutter. He doesn't want to give a class presentation, and puts it off until the last day.

He works with his mother to embrace his stutter and tackle the assignment head-on. We love the use of illustrations and well-placed bolded text that truly add to the story. Need another reason to love this book? Saadiq Wicks, one of the authors, is a person who stutters and wrote this book at age 13!

Check it out at your local library, or order on Amazon.

Who Do You See? The Struggles of A Teenager Who Stutters

Sean George book about teens who stutter - American Institute for Stuttering Blog

Written by: Sean George

Illustrations by: Cameron Wilson

Why we love it:

In January 2020, we re-published this list again with the addition of this book. Our list is now beyond the "five great books" mentioned in the title, and we hope the list continues to grow! The author's purpose in this book is to describe many of the types of bias, stereotyping, and misconceptions that teens who stutter face every day. The story also features a mother who encourages her son to focus less on what others think of him and more on what he sees in his future.

This book can be purchased on Amazon.

--The American Institute for Stuttering is a leading non-profit organization whose primary mission is to provide universally affordable, state-of-the-art speech therapy to people of all ages who stutter, guidance to their families, and much-needed clinical training to speech professionals wishing to gain expertise in stuttering. Offices are located in New York, NY and Atlanta, GA, and services are also available Online. Our mission extends to advancing public and scholarly understanding of this often misunderstood disorder.

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